Equipment at the Battery Coast

The lists below give an overview of the analysis equipment for battery materials and components available at the Battery Coast.

AFMUiAPark XE-70 - Atomic Force Microscope for analysis of materials on nanometer scale.
CalorimeterUiAIKA C 6000 - Measuring the heat of combustion of a particular reaction. The C 6000 isoperibol oxygen bomb calorimeter combines modern technology, variability and automation in one instrument. It operates according to all bomb calorimeter standards, such as e.g. the DIN, ISO, ASTM, GOST and GB. The operator can choose between three different starting temperatures 22 °C, 25 °C, 30 °C in each measuring mode. Due to the new design of the decomposition vessel the measurement time could be reduced.
ConductivityUiAMettler Toledo FiveGo - Electrolyte conductivity measurements.
Cross Sect. PolisherUiAJEOL IB-19530CP - Cutting samples for high quality cross sections. The multi-purpose stage combined with specialized functional holders allows the user to perform various functions such as planar surface milling and polishing, sputter coating as well as more traditional cross-section ion milling.
CyclerUiABioLogic BCS-810 - Cycling of laboratory batteries with currents up to 1.5 A. The high-performance BSC-800 battery cycler series boasts an impressive range of specifications, as standard, that surpasses all other battery cyclers currently available on the market. This range of ultra-precise cyclers features five current ranges, 18 bit current and voltage resolution, high-precision coulometry, fast bandwidths (rise and fall times), smart sampling, interfacing with external equipment and temperature probes.
Elemental AnalyzerUiAPerkinElmer 2400 CHN - Determine weight percent carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, or sulfur in a variety of sample types. The 2400 Series II CHNS Elemental Analyzer is one of the leading organic elemental analyzers. It is ideal for the rapid determination of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur content in organic and other types of materials.
GloveboxUiAGS Glovebox Mega 4 - Argon glovebox for laboratory battery assembly in inert atmosphere (oxygen and water level below 1 ppm).
Hardness TesterUiAZwick/Roell Durascan - The DuraScan micro hardness tester is ideal for solving a wide variety of test tasks providing you with an efficient laboratory companion for hardness testing. A wide variety of applications are covered through the use of templates and help settings according to the current specifications of the standard. Hardness values can be determined for a wide variety of materials and shapes. Perform tests on steel, aluminum, sintered parts, copper and many other materials in the form of flat surfaces, tubes and even spheres.
ImpedanceUiABioLogic VMP3 - Electrochemical workstation with 1 A current capability as well as impedance analysis.
ImpedanceUiAIviumStat.Xre - It has a high power of ±10A and low current ranges, down to 1pA full scale. Scan range: ±10A/±10V
FRA/EIS: 10µHz to 8MHz
Ion CleanerUiAJEOL EC-52000IC - The EC-52000IC Ion Cleaner is a device that holds a specimen of an electron microscope under glow discharge, for removing hydrocarbon contaminants adhered to the specimen by utilizing physical and chemical reactions. The Ion Cleaner prevents specimen contamination, which arises from accumulations of hydrocarbon contaminants when the specimen is irradiated with an electron beam in an electron microscope.
MicrobalanceUiAPerkinElmer AD 6000 - Weighing samples to a resolution of 0.1 µg. An Autobalance™ is a microprocessor-controlled ultramicrobalance
capable of weighing samples to a resolution of 0.1 µg. Autobalances
can weigh samples in the range of 0 to 1000 mg and feature autorange
for automatic range selection.
MixerUiAThinky ARM310 - Planetary mixer with high reproducibility, for simultaneous processing of mixing, dispersing and deaeration of low-mid viscosity materials.
Particle SizerUiAMalvern Mastersizer 3000 - The Mastersizer 3000 uses the technique of laser diffraction to measure the particle size and particle size distribution of materials. It does this by measuring the intensity of light scattered as a laser beam passes through a dispersed particulate sample. This data is then analyzed to calculate the size of the particles that created the scattering pattern.
PolishingUiAStruers Tegramin-30 - Automatic, microprocessor-controlled machine for grinding and polishing of specimens on a 300 mm MD-Disk with a cone. Dosing modules, an MD-Disk with a cone, and specimen holders are ordered separately. Tegramin-30 can be ordered with or without a transparent cover.
RheometerUiAMalvern Kinexus - The Kinexus rheometer helps you to define and understand material characteristics – from viscosity to viscoelasticity – and to solve
material problems at all stages of the product lifecycle.
SEMUiAJEOL JSM 7200F - Electron scanning microscope with Energy-dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) for chemical analysis as well as Electron Back Scatter Diffraction (EBSD) for crystallographic analysis.
SEMUiAJEOL JSM 6400 - Electron scanning microscope with Energy-dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) for chemical analysis as well as Electron Back Scatter Diffraction (EBSD) for crystallographic analysis.
SputteringUiAJEOL JEC-530 - The JEOL Carbon Coater is a fully-automated carbon coater that applies a thin conductive carbon film on a sample surface. Applying this coating to a non-conductive sample is an effective preparation technique for eliminating charge-up artifacts for analysis in a scanning electron microscope. Sample preparation of this type is ideal for X-ray applications (EDS), CL or backscatter electron imaging.
TGA/DSCUiAMettler Toledo 1 LF and 3+ HT - The TGA/DSC 3+ provides trustworthy results using a TGA balance from the worldwide leader in weighing technology with position-independent weighing, automatic internal calibration weights, a wide measurement range, the best minimum weight performance and the highest weighing accuracy and precision.It allows users to analyze a wide variety of sample types up to 1600 °C. A complementary DSC heat flow sensor simultaneously detects thermal events such as melting and crystallization in addition to providing accurate and precise transition temperatures.
Vacuum drying ovenUiABüchi B-585 - You can count on the BUCHI Glass Oven B-585 for versatile applications. Its manifold capabilities include Sublimation, Freeze-Drying, Distillation, or Drying. The Glass Oven is your ideal choice of universal lab equipment for small sample sizes. It is adjustable to your needs with a broad range of accessories and options.
Water PurifierUiAMillipore Direct-Q 5 - Direct-Q® 5 UV Remote Water Purification Systems with built-in dual wavelength UV lamp produce both RO pure (Type 3) and ultrapure (Type 1) water directly from the tap water at a flow rate of 5 L/hr.
FurnaceUiANabertherm 1250°C
Hardness TesterUiAIndentec ZHU 250CL-S
XRDUiAAnton-Paar XRDynamic500 - XRDynamic 500 drives unbeatable XRD data quality with maximum efficiency. Enjoy the benefits of a versatile platform covering a wide variety of applications with optimal solutions for powder XRD, non-ambient XRD, PDF analysis, SAXS, and more. Intuitive to use, with fully automated optics and alignment routines, it allows everyone, from novices to experts, to collect top-quality XRD data quickly while minimizing errors. XRDynamic 500: Driving XRD.
GC-MSUiAHiden Analytical HPR-20 R&D - A specialist gas analysis system for applications that require high sensitivity, selectivity, and fast response.
The Hiden HPR-20 R&D specialist gas analysis system is a bench-top mass spectrometer for real time gas analysis of evolved gases and vapours.
LECO C+HElkem0
Horiba Gas analyzerElkem0
Mastersizer 3000Elkem0
Plasma SystemMILTekna TEKSHERO-15/TEKNANO-15
Karl-Fischer TitratorNorner0
Refracting IndexNorner0
ResistivityNornerSheet, surface and volume resistivity
Thermal ConductivityNornerFox50 / Laser Comp.
FTIRNornerPerkin Elmer
Salt SprayNorner0
Climate ChambersNorner0
Particle SizerNornerMalvern Mastersizer
Bulk DensityNorner0
Vacuum drying ovenReSiTec0
Particle SizerReSiTecMalvern Mastersizer 2000
Karl-Fischer TitratorReSiTec0