Our research spans the entire battery value chain, from material characterization to recycling, from commercial cell analysis, modelling and control systems to life-cycle assessment and sustainable business models.

Overall, three interdisciplinary focus fields build the foundation for sustainable battery research at the UiA Battery Coast:

Battery Components and Design
We develop and apply novel characterization methods to understand material and electrode properties for existing and future (intercalation) cell chemistries. By covering not only laboratory scale battery cells but also commercial formats and aspects of battery production (quality control) and simulation of electrochemical systems we cover a wide range of applied research in lithium-ion batteries.
Contact johannes.landesfeind[at]uia.no for more details.

Automation in the Battery Industry
Considering the already high available volumes of end-of-first-life electric vehicle batteries, automating their demanufacturing – i.e. discharging, sorting, and dismantling – is an essential step for safe, effective, and economically achievable repair, reuse, or recycling. However, the large variety and uncertainties make the process extremely challenging. Battery recycling automation pushes the technology forward in automatic discharging, robotic disassembly and sorting of batteries.
Contact martin.choux[at]uia.no for more details and find more details here.

Circular Battery Value Chains
By elucidating opportunities for reusing and recycling as well as through the development of sustainable business models we are increasing the sustainability of the battery value chain. Ethical aspects of battery production are investigated from local to global perspectives.
Contact stina.torjesen[at]uia.no for more details.